Posts archive for December, 2022

Courtesy visit to Hon. Netumbo Nandi – Ndaitwah,Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for International Relations and Cooperation

courtesy visit to Hon. Netumbo Nandi - Ndaitwah , Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for International Relations and Cooperatio

Amb Michael Sialai paid a courtesy visit to Hon. Netumbo Nandi – Ndaitwah , Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for International Relations and Cooperation on 5th December 2022. Among issues they discussed centred on expanding cooperation between the countries especially private sector engagements for enhanced trade and tourism.

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The High Commissioner Message

H.E Michael Sialai

As an 8th High Commissioner of Kenya to the Braveland, it underpins the special brotherly relations Kenya and Namibia share dating back to the latter’s liberation struggles in 1960s to UNTAG epoch and currently in bilateral exchanges in various development programmes.

During my tenure, I will endevour to further consolidate these cordial relations as were envisioned and started by the founding fathers of our two countries and my predecessors. Therefore, I graciously extend invitation to all of you to visit this website that is a treasure trove of information on the High Commission’s operations and the Government of Kenya at large. Karibuni!